
Object, classes, and instances

In Visual Basic.Net, object, classes, and instances are very important terminology in implementation of an application in a real world of programming. An object is a code – based abstraction of a real – world entity or relationship. Class is an abstraction of real – world concepts, and it provides the basic form which you create instances of specific objects.

Each object belonging to a class is an instance of the class.

If you have 50 TV objects, you have 50 instances of the TV class. The action of creating an instance is called instantiate. From now on, we will say that you “create classes” but “instantiate objects”. The difference is used to reduce uncertainty.

Creating a class is done at design time when you’re building your software and involves writing the actual code. Instantiating an object is done at run time, when your program is being used.

Therefore, any program that makes used of this object will not have direct access to the behavior or data; rather, those programs must make use of your object’s interfaces.


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