
Robot Operating System launch new version

What’s new in Robot Operating System - ROS?

The release of newest version of Robot Operating System (ROS) which is code – named Fuerte Turtle. The ability why ROS release their latest version in order the developers have substantially revised their software. ROS distribution focusing on creation great robotics libraries to improve interoperability and make them usable with other robotics framework, also made many changes under the top to make it simpler and cleaner for you to amalgamate your software into the ROS environment.

The major release of ROS includes Gazebo 1.0 and PCL 1.5, and the core ROS libraries have been rewritten to be standalone. With that, ROS and non – ROS Frameworks can now easily use exchanging messages and data between services, provides drivers and libraries and has features for controlling sensors, motors and other hardware. Also, this change provides to the developer to improve the integration under Mac OS X, however, ROS is generally intended to be used with Ubuntu distribution and can also be installed on Debian and Red Hat Systems.

Robot Operation System (ROS) release is a strong new foundation for the next generation of great robotics libraries, a well – known robotics platform used licensed under a variety of OSI – approved licenses, with a preference of the BSD License.

World’s leading trends about technology

What’s the next technology after Apple, Microsoft, and Google?

A world’s giant leading technology today Apple, Microsoft, and Google has a huge impact in the society. Those three biggest leaders deliver insights challenges and opportunities that provide the necessities of every individual, especially in the industries. However, according to ZDNet editor and CNet editor, they look at for an in – deep who may be rank out among big three. Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Google is most trending based companies, the leader of all marketing strategy about their products and they have all been very successful.

According to dailymail.co.uk Apple is now larger than Microsoft and Google amalgamated – and worth more than the gross domestic product of Sweden.
Apple, Microsoft, and Google

Apple was struggling just to survive, even though having given birth to the personal computer. iPods, iPhones and iPads are the biggest product of apples that over the past few years until now. Peter A. Thiel said, the co – founder of paypal and early investor in facebook, Apple is in a continuous battle to one-up itself and produce something innovative and beating Microsoft is a very significant thing. Steven A. Ballmer, chief executive of Microsoft said in New Delhi “No technology company on the planet is more profitable than we are, Microsoft’s had come to advertize cloud computing plans” and still, an incredible powerful and commercial company in the tech world.

The competition of mobile phone in the market is very crucial, Apple is at the top of its game, and it faces an innovative and leading among mobile phones. However, Google trends come into mobile devices with its Android Operating System, and mobile advertising with the market cap of $151.43 billion. A new computing model is direction-finding consumers to internet applications, rather than desktop application or iPhone.

Everyone has their own thoughts who’s among three are powerful products. Fortunately, every product has significant advantages depends the needs of every individual or in the business. According to Tim Bajarin, a technology analyst who has been following Apple since 1981, the battle between Apple, Microsoft, and Google has a great impact in the evolution of technology in the market or even in the society. Apple has a significant lead. Yet, Google is going to be more powerful competitor, and Microsoft quickly grew to be one of the most profitable businesses increasingly created.

Create navigation menus with html and css

How to create basic navigation menus using html and css?

Navigation Bar is very important for any website especially for the web designer how it looks the website is. However, simple html code cannot provide beautiful navigation bars without the help of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). With that, a tedious html code can transform into attractive or good looking and easy-to-use navigation menus. Exploring CSS can help a lot in designing a website, the position of text, alignment, border, color, images, etc. Unfortunately, avoid using excessive CSS because there are other browsers does not support the compatibility features of CSS.

Now, navigation bar needs standard HTML syntax.

                <link rel=StyleSheet href=”navStyleSheet.css” type=”text/css” media=screen>
                <div id=”navStyleSheet-menu”>
                                    <li><a href=”#”>Home</a></li>
                                    <li><a href=”#”>Product</a></li>
                                    <li><a href=”#”>Service</a></li>
                                    <li><a href=”#”>About</a></li>

When you noticed between the opening and closing tag of head, there’s include <link rel=StyleSheet href=”navStyleSheet.css” type=”text/css” media=screen> because we import CSS from external source into our HTML tag in order to use CSS script to control our navigation menus.
Fig. 1
Above is the sample output html code, its very simple. Now, we are going to put some CSS script so that it looks well.
Fig. 2

That’s how it looks when it put css script. Don’t worry, that’s not the end with our tutorials, lets work further.
Fig. 3
#navigation-menu ul{
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;   
when you saved and press F5, it looks like sample shown in figure 3.

Fig. 4
#navigation-menu ul li{
We now created simple navigation bar, when you notice the id navigational-menu ul li, because of the css script list-style:none we omit bullets in every list item and it diplay inline. If you change it inline into block, it returns to the normal view like in figure 3.

Fig. 5
#navigation-menu ul li a{
    padding: 5px 10px;
    border-right: 1px #fff dotted;

At the beginning, we created a non – sense navigation bar. Now, noticed how powerful CSS? It is more appreciatable and it looks beautiful when they applied. That’s the essence of CSS!

Visit w3schools.com for more information about HTML and CSS.

How technology trends affects our life

Now and then technology changes everything, and there’s no doubt how technology trends affects our lives. If new technology occurs, people finds way to grasp what will bring in the future if they have it, but sometimes it gives ruin to our lives. Fortunately, it takes lot of advantages in comes in the business, e-commerce, education, etc. that helps every things made easy.

As continues technology to be a driving force in our everyday lives, we must be aware of the trends that could directly collision how we live, how we use, and do business from it. The aim of technology is used it properly and not to abuse in the wrong way. But whether intended for your business or individual make use of, it's significant that you do. It's not particularly hard to stay abreast of technology, you just have to know where to look and get past the terminology.

Mobile trends that will change our lives

The existence of mobile devices has increases over the year that helps everything life easy. The speed of change has become blisteringly fast, with traditional industries bookstores, video-rental chains, mobile payments, newspapers -- crumbling more quickly than we could have imagined. Now, let’s a look how mobile trends affects our lives in comes in payment system. Ever since, many customers ditched in support of the simplicity and expediency of paying with synthetic. Currently, smart phone application allows users to make payment without hassle just like waiting in the queue to pay their necessities. As Google Wallet was launched, analyst says, this year of 2012, mobile payments will propagate as more devices are equipped with the crucial Near Field Communication (NFC) chip that makes these possible. In the year 2016, $31 billion that it expects mobile commerce said Forrester Research. In potential growth, Google Mobile payment has a large scale to cope up the challenge. In fact, telecom giants Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have publicized a joint business enterprise digital wallet program entitled Isis. Smartphone was the main culprit, making things like alarm clocks, landlines and even wrist watches relics for generations of users.

The impact of social network in the business and blogging

Aside mobile trends, social network such as twitter and facebook has a big impact in the industry and business to market the products. Other companies advertise their product through facebook for the visibility in order to attract more customers, indeed to earn more profit. Imagined, billion of users are registered in facebook.

Let’s took about blogging! What is blogging? For the first time to hear that word, we don’t know what is and how does it works. Fortunately, through blogging you can express you own personal thoughts, create daily diary what’s happening or something interesting. However, blogging is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting of distinct entries; usually work of single individual that has interest to create articles and publish it to the internet. Most quality blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to read and contribute commentary or even message.

What is the relation of blogging and business?

Blogging not only intended for the use of personal belongings to express thoughts. Through blogging, we can market your business that visible in the internet so that people know your business, what is all about, what benefits they can get. So, in order to convince all the customer must need some information that is relevant in your business. Now, all the information needed from your business should be on the business blog so that other people know what the business all about. Let say, your business is all about foods and recipes in cooking. So, make sure all necessary steps are listed to follow the procedure. Blogging and business is good partner to market the products, in order to earn extra profit from it, you can apply affiliated program such as Google Adsense or other advertisement. Always keep in mind that topic should have relevant information to the viewers.

Host your html file online for free with Dropbox

Start with Dropbox? Sign up

Want to view your Personal Web Page that available through online for free?

Dropbox offers free storage of files online that stores 2G for the minimum storage, also it increase the size of your storage every referrals you sent to your friends. One good thing about dropbox, you can host your personal home page with simple HTML files, CSS, scripts, etc. that available online. However, only standard HTML files with client side scripting is allowed. Server side scripting like PHP or ASP.NET will not work. In addition, directory indexing does not work so the index.html part is required or it will trigger a 404 error. What we aim for, the visibility of your personal page online that anyone can view anywhere in the place. Now, where to get your personal domain for free? It’s not the problem, there are other sites offers free hosting that meets our needs such as co.cc, co.nr, and dot.tk. In this sample, I choose dot.tk for free hosting domain name, when you notice, its look more professional and easy to remember.

Now, go to dropbox.com to sign up your account, after that, you are going to download dropbox to easy upload files. Just simply create your folder name and paste it where do you want.

Dropbox is easy to learn!

Consider you’ve already created html files. Take note that Dropbox files in the ‘Public’ folder each have a link that you can share with the world. But did you know this can be used in many clever ways, including hosting your very own website.

Open the public folder to store your html file, make sure you’ve already create index.html. Also, you can create a folder inside a public folder where all file saves in one folder.

This is the sample screenshot:

The name of my folder name inside public folder is web.

Right click on index and Copy pubic link. After that, dialog box will appear to copy the link. In copying the link, you can shorten you link. By the way, htm or html was the same function.

After copied the link of your index.html, its time to create a domain name in order to shorten the name once it type. Now, go to dot.tk and paste the copied url from index.html to the TK Domain name and click GO to continue registration. 

Note: make sure your domain name is readable; you can’t modify it unless you delete first the registered domain and create a new one.

Now, you may able to view your domain name anywhere you are online.