
How technology trends affects our life

Now and then technology changes everything, and there’s no doubt how technology trends affects our lives. If new technology occurs, people finds way to grasp what will bring in the future if they have it, but sometimes it gives ruin to our lives. Fortunately, it takes lot of advantages in comes in the business, e-commerce, education, etc. that helps every things made easy.

As continues technology to be a driving force in our everyday lives, we must be aware of the trends that could directly collision how we live, how we use, and do business from it. The aim of technology is used it properly and not to abuse in the wrong way. But whether intended for your business or individual make use of, it's significant that you do. It's not particularly hard to stay abreast of technology, you just have to know where to look and get past the terminology.

Mobile trends that will change our lives

The existence of mobile devices has increases over the year that helps everything life easy. The speed of change has become blisteringly fast, with traditional industries bookstores, video-rental chains, mobile payments, newspapers -- crumbling more quickly than we could have imagined. Now, let’s a look how mobile trends affects our lives in comes in payment system. Ever since, many customers ditched in support of the simplicity and expediency of paying with synthetic. Currently, smart phone application allows users to make payment without hassle just like waiting in the queue to pay their necessities. As Google Wallet was launched, analyst says, this year of 2012, mobile payments will propagate as more devices are equipped with the crucial Near Field Communication (NFC) chip that makes these possible. In the year 2016, $31 billion that it expects mobile commerce said Forrester Research. In potential growth, Google Mobile payment has a large scale to cope up the challenge. In fact, telecom giants Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have publicized a joint business enterprise digital wallet program entitled Isis. Smartphone was the main culprit, making things like alarm clocks, landlines and even wrist watches relics for generations of users.

The impact of social network in the business and blogging

Aside mobile trends, social network such as twitter and facebook has a big impact in the industry and business to market the products. Other companies advertise their product through facebook for the visibility in order to attract more customers, indeed to earn more profit. Imagined, billion of users are registered in facebook.

Let’s took about blogging! What is blogging? For the first time to hear that word, we don’t know what is and how does it works. Fortunately, through blogging you can express you own personal thoughts, create daily diary what’s happening or something interesting. However, blogging is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting of distinct entries; usually work of single individual that has interest to create articles and publish it to the internet. Most quality blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to read and contribute commentary or even message.

What is the relation of blogging and business?

Blogging not only intended for the use of personal belongings to express thoughts. Through blogging, we can market your business that visible in the internet so that people know your business, what is all about, what benefits they can get. So, in order to convince all the customer must need some information that is relevant in your business. Now, all the information needed from your business should be on the business blog so that other people know what the business all about. Let say, your business is all about foods and recipes in cooking. So, make sure all necessary steps are listed to follow the procedure. Blogging and business is good partner to market the products, in order to earn extra profit from it, you can apply affiliated program such as Google Adsense or other advertisement. Always keep in mind that topic should have relevant information to the viewers.


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