Programming Pre final examination CS and IT

Develop a Tour price transaction system in different country in ASIA. The customer can view and select where the country they want to travel.  For instance, the customer can only select one country at a time to process his/her transaction and pressing only one character or number they want to select. Adults and children have different rate it depends the country they want to travel.  Supposed the customers decide on what country they want to tour, the system will also have a list of country available and price of adults and children assigned in a given country. Let’s look the figure given.
Country Name:
Adult Price
Children Price

Now, we have a given price of every country at the same time the price of adult and children.

In order to perform the customer transaction, the customers first select the country name so that the customers should be able now to input the number of adults and children given the price of every country. However, there’s supposed to have a 12% tax interest of every customer’s travel in a total rate. Now, compute a total rate of customer’s and get the 12% tax interest of a total price.

Used either if, case, and do loop statement or both as long it handle the process of a program.

Sample output:

Name of Country:            Singapore
Number of Adults:           2
Number of Children:        3
Total Price of Adults:      1000
Total Price of Children    900
Total Rate:                      2128
Tax Rate Interest (12%)  228

Write your flowchart output in a one whole band paper.

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